Recommendation Letter

Dear Friends in Christ,

I have known Sara Ward for the past two years. She has been an active
member of our Church family and an elementary teacher at Westside
Baptist Academy. She has demonstrated a commitment to Christ in her everyday life. Every weekend she has been active in our door-todoor soulwinning ministry. Her burden for people carries beyond the surface level. She follows up on her contacts with loving concern and action. Sara also has a beautiful singing voice. Her choice of music and her heartfelt delivery have been a blessing to our church. Sara’s personal walk with the Lord has been exemplary and her doctrinal stand strong. She knows what she believes and why she believes it. Sara has consistently demonstrated a call from the Lord to go to Japan as a missionary. She grew up on the field with her missionary parents, Henry and Celeste Ward. During the Covid Lockdown the Lord allowed her to come to our ministry to teach. I believe her time here at the Academy has given her extra experience that will be foundational to her work in Japan.
I highly recommend Sara for your consideration for Missions Support. I believe she will be faithful, hardworking, committed and impactful for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions concerning Sara, feel free to contact me thru my church office at

In Christ,
Rev. Richard D. Butts, Sr. Pastor
Westside Baptist Church, Katy TX 

Recommendation Letter

Dear Pastors and Prospective Churches,

It is a joy to write a letter of recommendation for Sara Ward, our newly appointed BIMI missionary to Japan. My wife and I have known Sara since she was born. Her parents arrived in Japan three years after our arrival. The Wards have been some of our dearest friends and have served the Lord faithfully for 32 years. We have observed Sara in many areas of her life. She was an exceptional help to her family during her years before college, even accomplishing the not-so-easy task of learning Japanese sufficiently to assist her parents’ ministry. She will be a great asset to current and to future church planting ministries wherever the Lord may lead her as she reaches the lost and teaches both women and children. Sara also will be able to help translate much needed material such as books and Sunday school curriculum.
We are confident that Sara displays a sweet and Christlike spirit that will be a great blessing to you and your church. We also know that one of her greatest needs will be the gathering of a prayer team that will help her during her ministry. Thank you for your consideration and for your prayers for Sara as she presents her burden and seeks to get to the field as soon as possible.

Serving Together,
David Harris
Assisting Church Planting in Asia & the North Pacific
770-656-4917 cell

Recommendation Letter


To Whom This May Concern,

My name is Pastor Robert Landis, Founder and Director of a Mission Organization called MTT Ministries, Inc. Our Ministry trains young people to serve the Lord and then takes them on mission teams around the world to put what they have learned into practice. I am pleased to offer my recommendation of Sara Ward for the position of Missionary to Japan through BIMI. She has been trained and has traveled with us 4 times; to Singapore and Malaysia during the summer of 2018, to Antigua at Christmas time in 2018-19, and to the US West during the summer in 2020 and 2021. During my contact with Sara Ward over the past six years, I have noticed that she has grown spiritually and has become very bold in her witness for the Lord. Also, she has developed many skills which will help her minister in Japan. Sara has become very musical, and is an excellent Bible teacher of young people. She has a very strong relationship with the Lord and desires to serve Him with her whole heart in Japan. She is a very modest and Godly young lady. Also, since Sara’s parents are missionaries in Japan, she grew up there, and is quite fluent in the Japanese language, and is already comfortable with the lifestyle, customs and foods in Japan. Sara will do an excellent job as a missionary to Japan.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should require
any additional information.

Pastor Robert D. Landis